Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Women Leaders: Secrets to Success with Carol Galloway
Each week on “Women Leaders: Secrets to Success”, our host, Jessica Franzini, talks to women from around the country who are taking names and breaking glass. This week, Jessica spoke to Carol Galloway from the Law Offices of Carol M Galloway. Click here to listen to the discussion

Filing a Complaint with the EEOC versus Hiring a Discrimination Lawyer
There are two separate facts that those filing discrimination complaints should understand. First, you may be required to file a complaint with the EEOC before filing a lawsuit in federal court. While you don’t need an employment discrimination attorney, you should have one. The EEOC will take a small fraction of cases that pass… Read More »

What is a Protected Class When it Comes to Employment Discrimination?
When the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act was passed, it granted employees broadscale protection from employers, preventing discriminatory practices in hiring, firing, or promoting. Every state in the U.S. has adopted this law and some states have gone well beyond the text of the law to extend protections to others. In this… Read More »