Author Archives: Jay Butchko
Two Men File Sexual Harassment Claim Against Rep. Fabian Basabe
A former intern and legislative aide allege that they were sexually harassed by Florida representative Fabian Basabe, according to a recent news article. The pair have formally asked the EEOC to investigate allegations that Basabe made repeated lewd comments and unwanted sexual advancements. The Representative has called the allegations “ridiculous”. The EEOC will review… Read More »
Bed, Bath, And Beyond Heading For Bankruptcy
Retailers have been facing difficulty with the advent of Amazon and online shopping now for decades. COVID may have provided the final nail in the coffin. What does that mean for workers? Well, there will be a number of workers who are now out of a job as fire sale of BB&B’s assets begin…. Read More »
Can I Keep My Home If I File Under Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Those with mounting unpayable debt do have options if they want to keep their home and Chapter 7 is sometimes among them, but not usually. In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the assets of the debtor are liquidated to the extent they can be, and to the extent that the debtor has significant assets to… Read More »
Everything You Need To Know Before Filing A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
While filing for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is not necessarily the most fun experience, it can be a load off when you’re facing mounting debt and creditor lawsuits. The way Chapter 7 works is that it discharges unsecured credit card debt as well as medical debt and other forms of debt that are not… Read More »
Tenth Circuit Dismisses FDCPA Claim
The Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals recently dismissed a case related to the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act which limits the types of tactics a third-party debt collector can use in an effort to collect a debt. According to the lawsuit, the plaintiff claimed that the company that was attempting to collect the debt… Read More »
100 Million Americans Have Medical Debt
We’re coming up on a population of about 400 million people. So, that’s one out of every four Americans who are living with medical debt. The failure of our insurance system coupled with rampant fraud and price gouging has left Americans with boatloads of debt that they cannot afford to pay off. However, the… Read More »
Who Files For Medical Bankruptcies?
The very poor and the very rich routinely do not have to worry about medical expenses. The very rich have money and great insurance policies. The very poor have great insurance policies provided by the state and federal governments. It’s everyone in between that suffers the fallout of increasing medical costs, higher insurance premiums,… Read More »
What Is Chapter 20 Bankruptcy?
It’s kind of a joke among attorneys. Individuals generally file under Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. When they do both at once, we call it Chapter 20. In this case, the Chapter 7 is filed first to discharge some of the qualifying debts. This will hopefully get the debtor under the debt limits allowed… Read More »
Saving Your House From A Second Mortgage In Bankruptcy
When Americans struggle for money, they often take out a second mortgage against their homes. However, as soon as you take out the loan, the loan places a lien on your house. Those who cannot dig their way out of debt end up running the risk of losing their house. However, bankruptcy provides some… Read More »
Can Veterans File For Bankruptcy?
In the rumor mill, an idea gained traction that veterans cannot file for bankruptcy or else they will lose their military benefits. Like most rumors, it has a grain of truth to it, but it isn’t quite as onerous as implied by the rumors. How did this rumor get started? Essentially, a veteran who… Read More »